Today, EURIEC has been operational for exactly 100 days. This is a great occasion for a look back at what EURIEC has achieved over the past 100 days and for a look ahead to the coming period. During its first 100 days, EURIEC has presented itself to the relevant organisations in Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands and given several presentations to raise awareness. Meanwhile, between 30 and 35 cases have been submitted to EURIEC from Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands. The first expert platform meetings have already taken place, including one where the CBA (Administrative approach coordinator) of a Dutch municipality met with a SPOC (Single Point of Contact) of a Belgium municipality. At an expert platform meeting, municipalities get together with EURIEC, the Belgian ARIEC (District Information and Expertise Centre), and the account manager of the Dutch RIEC (Regional Information and Expertise Centre) to explore the possibilities for cross-border information sharing.
Focus areas
Based on questions asked as part of the cases, EURIEC has articulated a number of focus areas. EURIEC’s legal experts are currently hard at work on compiling documents within these focus areas, including the sharing of personal data, administrative data, and the compilation of comparative summaries (open sources and specialist jargon).
Over the coming year, EURIEC will b