“Regional Information and Expertise Centre North Rhine-Westphalia (RIEC NRW)” – Presentation of the project work of the students of the HSPV NRW on 21.06.2023 in Cologne

This year’s project work of the students of the Hochschule für Polizei und öffentliche Verwaltung Nordrhein-Westfalen (HSPV NRW), under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Christof Muthers, was titled “Regional Information and Expertise Centre North Rhine-Westphalia (RIEC NRW)”. As part of their project work, the students dealt with the integral inter-agency collaboration in the fight against organised crime related to labour migration from Southeast Europe in North Rhine-Westphalia, as well as preventive measures. The aim of the work was to develop an administrative approach with which the idea of the Dutch Regional Information and Expertise Centres (RIEC) could be transferred to NRW.

For the project, the students worked on topics such as European law, the authorities involved, data exchange and protection, the awareness of the municipalities, as well as various possible organisational forms. As a result of the project work, the students presented a model that should preventively address the problems of labour migration from Southeast Europe and strengthen cooperation between the various competent authorities, taking data protection into account. The project work was supported by the Ministerium für Heimat, Kommunales, Bau und Digitalisierung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (MHKBD NRW) and the EURIEC. In addition to the audience in the hall, many interested representatives from different authorities (municipalities, districts, ministries, BKA, etc.) also attended the presentation online.

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