Expert platform on the drugs problem in the port of Antwerp and Rotterdam

On Wednesday 16 March 2022, an expert platform was held to discuss the drugs problem in the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp. The focus was mainly on the problem of so-called pushers; people who make sure that the smuggled goods (in this case cocaine) are removed from the containers before the container is checked.

This problem occurs both in the port of Rotterdam and in the port of Antwerp. That is why the EURIEC, together with the ARIEC Antwerp and the RIEC Rotterdam, brought the municipalities and the police together in order for the partners to share experiences and learn from each other’s best practices. As a result of this meeting, the participants agreed to stay in touch regarding new developments or experiences concerning this issue at the administrative, police and civil law levels.

The following Dutch article gives a general overview of the (cross-border) problems and the reason for the expert platform:

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