EURIEC theme series part 7: cross-border exchange of tax data for administrative purposes

Each week, we present one of the seven themes from the EURIEC Final Report Phase 1 to give you both a concise and comprehensive overview of the opportunities and obstacles to administrative cooperation between Belgium, the Netherlands and NRW in the field of organised crime. In the last part of the EURIEC thematic series you can read more about the cross-border exchange of tax data.

Financial data from another country can be crucial for a local government in curving stop the abuse of legal structures. Sometimes, for instance, the fiscal reliability of the applicant is examined when assessing a licence application. When this happens, in the case of a foreign applicant, tax data from abroad are needed. Although there is no explicit legal basis in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands for the provision of tax data to foreign municipalities, there are exceptions in certain cases.

Would you like to know in which cases the exchange of information is possible? Download our latest brochure and legal memo ‘Cross-border exchange of financial data for administrative purposes’ today!

This was the last part of this EURIEC theme series. We hope that our findings lead to a better understanding of the possibilities for cross-border information exchange for administrative purposes in the fight against organised crime. Do you have any questions or would you like to get in touch with EURIEC? Please contact us here.

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