EURIEC theme series part 5: cross-border exchange of judicial data

Each week, we present one of the seven themes from the EURIEC Final Report Phase 1 to give you both a concise and comprehensive overview of the opportunities and obstacles to administrative cooperation between Belgium, the Netherlands and NRW in the field of organised crime. In part 5 of the EURIEC theme series, you can read more about the cross-border exchange of criminal records data and other judicial information.  

Criminal record data and other judicial data can be crucial when using municipal administrative enforcement tools. In certain cases, international and national laws and regulations offer scope for the provision of criminal record information for administrative purposes. Other judicial data, such as information about ongoing investigations and judgments may, in some cases, also be shared with foreign governments.

Would you like to know more about the possibilities for sharing judicial data? Download the brochure and the memorandum ‘Cross-border exchange of judicial data’ now.

Next week: EURIEC theme series, part 6 of 7: ‘Cross-border enforcement of administrative fines and recovery claims.

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