Cross-border exchange of police data for administrative purposes: EURIEC presents new brochure and legal memo in Final report theme-series

‘We will be more effective at fighting organised crime when we work together.’ With these words, Herbert Reul, Interior Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia welcomed participants at the third EURIEC Discussion Board meeting last November. What exactly are the possibilities in the joint administrative approach to cross-border crime? In the coming weeks, EURIEC will present a summarising brochure and a detailed legal memo for each of the seven themes of its recently published Final Report, offering readers a chance to learn more about the opportunities and obstacles in the cross-border administrative collaboration between Belgium, the Netherlands, and North Rhine-Westphalia against organised crime.

This week: what information in the field of police data may be shared for administrative purposes between Belgium, the Netherlands, and NRW?

A drug lab is found in a person’s house. The same person has applied for a catering license just across the national border. Can national police data be transferred to a foreign municipality, so that the latter can use that data when performing administrative checks or granting licenses? 

Do you know the answer? Would you like to know what is and what is not yet possible in the exchange of police data, and what consequences this has for daily practice? Download the brochure and legal memo ‘Cross-border exchange of police data for administrative purposes’ now.

Next week: EURIEC-theme series, part 2 of 7: ‘Cross-border exchange of data from the population register’.

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